bairn blog: a tale of three henleys

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11:25am Wednesday, 29th November 2006

Apologies for the site being down the past few days – this is due to the all round incompetence that is our web host. Suffice to say when resources permit the blog as you have come to know and love it will be moving to e-pastures new. In fact, if any of you keen observers out there want to contribute towards the upkeep and/or relocation of this site then drop us a few scheckels via the host aid link to your right (puppy dog eyes to the fore).

since last we scribed the henleys three have traversed international boundaries, heading south to England for Peta’s cousin’s wedding in Manchester. The wedding was great and it was lovely to meet up with lots of Peta’s family again, although Cole had to make a last minute dash to the shops after it transpired his shirt had shrunk in the wash (and an exposed navel is never the best way to welcome someone into married life).

After some lovely food, a few glasses of wine for the non-driver, a power nap by gethin and some quality, calf-killing boogying by all three henleys we headed back to stay with great-grandparents ken and blanche in nearby warrington.

on sunday we met up with cole’s folks, sister and samuel who ‘popped’ up for a spot of lunch.

it was great to catch up, particularly because uma has been unwell for several weeks now after a particularly nasty bout of pneumonia, and also to see how much cousin samuel was coming on, embarking on the slippery slopes of solids and also making a mightily fine stab at crawling (as opposed to gethin’s half-hearted efforts at headbutting the floor when attempting to propel himself forward).

after such a fun and family-filled weekend it was a long, late drive back up to scotland where unfortunately peta became quite unwell with a fever which has since laid her low for the past few days. so, that’s the latest at camp henley. hopefully peta will begin to feel better before too long – months of pre- and ante-natal sleep deprivation catching up at long last!