bairn blog: a tale of three henleys

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10:52pm Tuesday, 3rd October 2006

note to self. when awaken bright and early and eyes do not quite yet function do not try to make your morning coffee with cat food. fortunately came to my senses before a whiskas latte but was a darned close thang.

friday was dr henley’s 31st birthday. in the morning was the world’s biggest coffee morning at work and surprise, surprise the oat soufle was a resounding success! it transpires that cole had foolishly mistaken baking powder for bicarbonate of soda. whoops!

anyway, after a hectic day at work and a fine slap meal of borsch cole spent the latter part of the evening in nearby uphall at a workmates wedding.

on saturday the henleys went on a magical adventure to a car boot sale and ikea, stocking up on some small storage gubbins as well as Gethin sampling his first bought baby food, rather than the yummy peta-made variety. on the diet side of things gethin’s eating habits have been quite variable – not assisted by a stinking cold which seems to have been slowly passing between bairn and mum over the past few weeks. he quite enjoys feeding himself as much as his digital dexterity will allow which isn’t very much so he gets quite frustrated with anything that isn’t finger food. his favourite is buttered toast although when i say favourite not sure how much actually gets devoured given the amount that turns up on the floor, behind his chair, under his chin, etc.

it is peta’s first day back at work tommorow with just a half day to start off with, so after six fleeting months cole gets his first stint at being a house husband without a safety net (a bit late in the day some might say). the past six months really have flown by – am sure that gethin will be a stroppy teenager in no time at all!

wish us all luck tomorrow!!


Monsieur Mandingo said on Monday, 9th October 2006

Congratulations on ya birthday bro -- no longer a teenager now!
Loves ya loads,

Mandingo and Mounthard Enterprises.